Posts with the tag “cuba”

¿Qué Está Sucediendo? Junio 2022
by Rex Morgan on June 1st, 2022
Cuando la distancia y el tiempo nos separan de aquellos a quienes amamos, vamos a Dios en oración por ellos.  Como todos hemos estado orando por nuestros amigos y familiares, nuestros corazones también han estado profundamente preocupados por nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo en Cuba.  ¡Se enfrentan a desafíos a diario!  Fuimos bendecidos a principios de este año al ser testigos de su amor y ...  Read More
What's Going On? June 2022
by Rex Morgan on June 1st, 2022
When distance and time separate us from those whom we love, we go to God in prayer on their behalf.  As we have all been praying for our friends and family, our hearts have also been deeply concerned for our Cuban brothers and sisters in Christ.  They are faced with challenges daily!  We were blessed earlier this year to witness their love and enthusiasm for each other. We rejoice with the lady’s ...  Read More
¿Qué Está Sucediendo? Febrero 2022
by Rex Morgan on January 31st, 2022
Celebramos cómo Dios continúa trabajando en Cuba y le pedimos que ore por esta nueva congregación. ¡Con todas estas oraciones subiendo, sabemos que nos dirigimos hacia un gran Año Nuevo!la   Read More
What's Going On? February 2022
by Rex Morgan on January 31st, 2022
We celebrate how God continues to work in Cuba and ask you to pray for this new church plant. With all these prayers going up we know that we are heading into a great New Year! Christian Productions International  Read More
What's Going On? 12/2020
by Rex Morgan on November 24th, 2020
...  Read More
¿Qué Está Sucediendo? 12/2020
by Rex Morgan on November 24th, 2020
Big news! Prayers have been answered.   Read More





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