What's Going On? November 2023
A New Way of Presenting Jesus
by Jose Castillo Jr.
Yusimy García, from Provincia Artemisa, Cuba, has found a new way of learning about Jesus. She has been captivated by listening to the gospel as presented by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in an engaging manner. She has found in our App, The Gospel Films. Every night before going to bed she watches an episode, which lasts approximately 10 minutes. She is just one of many people who now enjoying breathtaking live-action footage, coupled with word-for-word reading of the Scripture from the four gospels, thanks to our partnership with LUMO Project Films.

The Gospel Films
What is LUMO? They explain it this way: “Redefining the standards of biblical media, LUMO is a visual translation of the four Gospels designed to deeply engage people with Scripture… LUMO is a groundbreaking, multi-language biblical resource that was created to transform the way in which people engage, discover, and study the life of Jesus through the Gospels, and to resource ministries seeking to promote global biblical literacy. These stunning innovative films, currently available in over 1,350 languages, are easily adapted for a global audience. Anyone, anywhere in the world can fully experience their translation of Scripture overlaying the stunning visual representations of the life of Christ set against the backdrop of an authentic rendition of first century Palestine.” I might add, the quality of the films is excellent.
o plays have increased by 38%, as of this writing. Also, the average viewer duration is, amazingly, 14 minutes and 10 seconds. We offer the films in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. We have even heard of English speakers watching the films from our App. If you want to view John 1in English, click on the image below. From there you can have access to all the Gospel films on the Media button, if you so desire.
o plays have increased by 38%, as of this writing. Also, the average viewer duration is, amazingly, 14 minutes and 10 seconds. We offer the films in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. We have even heard of English speakers watching the films from our App. If you want to view John 1in English, click on the image below. From there you can have access to all the Gospel films on the Media button, if you so desire.
The way the LUMO Films are organized facilitates engagement with people. People prefer audio visuals over other methods when it comes to communication. It is a powerful tool to share Christ with neighbors, friends, relatives, and church attenders. It can be used by individuals, and in large or small group settings. We are announcing the films in our daily and weekly programs, and are encouraging listeners to watch and share them with people they know.
Our deepest gratitude to my partner Rex Morgan, who negotiated the license to broadcast the films in our behalf, and then uploaded all the segments to our App and website. He did an amazing job! He initially had the vision of what this could become, and made it an exciting reality.
This new addition is compatible with what we are doing at WCB and LVA. The Gospel Films and all our programming have a common denominator, its all about Jesus and His message to humanity. When people listen to our programs, they listen about Jesus. When they watch the Gospel Films, they watch and listen about Jesus. Jesus said: “And when I’ve been lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people to myself.” (John 12: 32). We trust that people who are exposed to our Christ-centered message, will be drawn to Him. What else can we ask?
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7
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