What's Going On? November 2021
Thankful for your Impact for Jesus

We are entering into a month of Thanksgiving. When I think of all the things I enjoy in my personal life: time with Brenda and family, fishing with my grandsons, even standing at the ocean’s shore watching the wonders of God, I am so thankful!
When I consider my calling to reach the lost through media and broadcasting, I am both humbled and grateful. This is not something we do alone, rather it is done in community. At this time, I praise God as I give thanks for the impact you are making. Your partnership in this outreach is essential to reaching more souls for Christ.
Here are just some of the areas your support has impacted the world so far this year:
1. Several new radio series produced this year: Encounters with Jesus, God’s Giants, Hope in Conflict, and The Joy of Peacemaking. Each series has more than 50 individual radio messages that touch at the heart issues our listeners are concerned with daily.
2. With your support we have produced and broadcast more than 365 hour-long programs of The Happy Voice (La Voz Alegre). Each program is a magazine program which includes spiritual messages for life, family, music, prayers, Christian evidences, and announcements that lead our listeners to our website and La Voz Alegre App for Bible study.
3. This year a new Thursday night broadcast was added targeting Venezuela and Colombia from Bonaire on a 200,000-watt AM station. We continue transmitting on Shine800 AM every Sunday night targeting Cuba but receiving contacts from Brazil all the way to Mexico. Our daily broadcasting is our farthest-reaching signal, World Christian Broadcasting from Madagascar and reaches across the Americas.
4. We have implemented Search Engine Optimization for our App and Website to maximize our reach throughout the world for Christ. With the Subsplash platform we are getting used to counting actual people visiting and their engagements in our App and Website. We have had 8,565 engagements so far this year.
5. Together we have had engagements with people in 44 countries. It is amazing how many places have Spanish-speakers as a part of their communities.
6. This year we now have over 40 that have entered World Bible School through our App and Website. WBS has been our experts in online Bible study for our listeners. When one of our listeners visits us online and click on the “I Have Decided” tab, they can enroll in the Bible study.
We are giving thanks for the impact you are having across the world for Christ. You are reaching people that you may never meet in this lifetime. However, they will be greeting you in heaven. I believe they will be praising our Lord and thanking you for your generosity in reaching them for Jesus.
Christian Productions International is a non-profit 501(c)(3).
When I consider my calling to reach the lost through media and broadcasting, I am both humbled and grateful. This is not something we do alone, rather it is done in community. At this time, I praise God as I give thanks for the impact you are making. Your partnership in this outreach is essential to reaching more souls for Christ.
Here are just some of the areas your support has impacted the world so far this year:
1. Several new radio series produced this year: Encounters with Jesus, God’s Giants, Hope in Conflict, and The Joy of Peacemaking. Each series has more than 50 individual radio messages that touch at the heart issues our listeners are concerned with daily.
2. With your support we have produced and broadcast more than 365 hour-long programs of The Happy Voice (La Voz Alegre). Each program is a magazine program which includes spiritual messages for life, family, music, prayers, Christian evidences, and announcements that lead our listeners to our website and La Voz Alegre App for Bible study.
3. This year a new Thursday night broadcast was added targeting Venezuela and Colombia from Bonaire on a 200,000-watt AM station. We continue transmitting on Shine800 AM every Sunday night targeting Cuba but receiving contacts from Brazil all the way to Mexico. Our daily broadcasting is our farthest-reaching signal, World Christian Broadcasting from Madagascar and reaches across the Americas.
4. We have implemented Search Engine Optimization for our App and Website to maximize our reach throughout the world for Christ. With the Subsplash platform we are getting used to counting actual people visiting and their engagements in our App and Website. We have had 8,565 engagements so far this year.
5. Together we have had engagements with people in 44 countries. It is amazing how many places have Spanish-speakers as a part of their communities.
6. This year we now have over 40 that have entered World Bible School through our App and Website. WBS has been our experts in online Bible study for our listeners. When one of our listeners visits us online and click on the “I Have Decided” tab, they can enroll in the Bible study.
We are giving thanks for the impact you are having across the world for Christ. You are reaching people that you may never meet in this lifetime. However, they will be greeting you in heaven. I believe they will be praising our Lord and thanking you for your generosity in reaching them for Jesus.
Christian Productions International is a non-profit 501(c)(3).
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