What's Going On? September 2022

God May Be Opening Some Doors

Jose Castillo, Jr
Sr. Producer for Spanish
World Christian Broadcasting
Who would have thought that some people in South Florida (my own backyard), would be listening to our programs via shortwave radio?
Through our website we received an email from Jesser Peter Aguilar. These are the most relevant parts of his communication:
“Greetings brothers in Christ. I have the pleasure to be able to report about the broadcast of La Voz Alegre…I would like to receive a QSL card and information about the radio station. I live in… Coral Gables, Florida.”
In our P.O. Box, we received the following note written by Sergio Fundora from Hialeah, Florida:
“I hope everything is well with you. I heard your program for the first time on June 19… and have the pleasure to report that the reception is as clear as the local AM stations. Please, send me a QSL card, if at all possible. The messages are encouraging, especially for the times we are living now. Well done gentlemen!”
It is noteworthy that they got a clear signal of our broadcast. I am excited for the potential of reaching many more people in the near future. Through our everyday shortwave broadcasts at 0200 UTC and our Sunday night (9:00 pm) broadcast through Trans World Radio Shine 800 AM, we cover Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, the Caribbean, Mexico, and the Southeastern United States, especially Miami Dade County, with its population of almost 3 million, of which almost 70% are Hispanics. That’s more than half of the population of Panamá in Central America!
We also received communication from Mexico (a country in North America with a population of roughly 128 million). Hugo Carbajal from Morelos Mexico wrote:
“…yesterday I heard your radio station for the first time, with a strong and clear signal. The topics treated in the program that I heard were, to my view, interesting and helpful…Attached hereto, I send you a signal report of said program, as well as a video and an audio. I would appreciate it if you send me a QSL card from your station, as well as the times and frequencies of your broadcasts. I continue to listen to your interesting broadcasts.”
He wrote the email on May 18, 2022. Since then, we have been communicating through emails on a regular basis. He seems to be on a good path to get to know Jesus, praise God!
We also received this note from the Contact Form of our website. It came from Victor Gutierrez, from Torti, Panamá: “I want you to know that I listen to you from Torti, Panamá. I like your programs. I am 33 years old.”
Then we have this communication from Edilberto Garrido Bermudez. He lives in Cuba. He wrote: “Greetings to you all. I am interested in receiving the Bible Courses you offer. God bless you…we all hear your programs from Cuba.”
And another one from Cuba, this time is from Yaniuska Castro: “Hello. I listen to you radio programs from Cuba. I like them very much. May God greatly bless you.”
Finally, through our website, we received this note from Jorge Valencia. Jorge resides in El Salvador. He wrote: “Dear friends, I write to you from El Salvador. I recently acquired a new shortwave receiver to resume my favorite hobby in my youth. It was a surprise to find this station with good signal and clarity. I hope to grow in faith with all the resources you have shared and I am discovering on my own. Could you confirm if you required report of reception and if you confirm them with the QSL card. God bless you.”
What do they have in common? Most of them came on, or after April 18, the day we started broadcasting the additional 8 hours. Remarkably, on that day, one additional hour was added for the Spanish broadcast. The manner in which it was distributed was one hour for South America South, and one hour for South America North. The additional hour for South America North, covered more territory that just the northern part of South America. We got reception of our broadcast from central America and Mexico to South Eastern USA.
So, what does this have to do with God opening doors? Simply put, the Lord opened hearts to provide the means to add 8 additional hours. At least, the Spanish service has benefitted immensely when just one hour of broadcasting was added. As a consequence, more people are being reached for God’s glory. He will add the increase, and souls will go to eternity in glory. I can’t wait to hear what he has been doing in the other languages because of the addition of those 8 hours in April.

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