What's Going On? August 2021
Equip, A Spiritual Family Reunion

The Equip Conference in Orlando was like a great spiritual family reunion. This conference known in years past as the Spiritual Growth Workshop has been going on every other year since 1984. We have been a part of this great gathering over all these years. When Equip was canceled due to Covid-19 last year we were disappointed. But, perhaps having to wait made the conference and the fellowship more appreciated than ever. We were greeted by old friends at every turn and made some great new friends that have made the sharing of the Gospel the most important priority in their lives. What a blessing!
As you can imagine our main focus was to "equip" those who attended with our La Voz Alegre (The Happy Voice) App. The attendees were both Spanish and English speakers that have a love for the Lord. They want to share Jesus with their friends. Many scanned our QR code (see below) which took them directly to the App store. There they downloaded the App, which is full of audio and video content relevant to our challenging times.
As you can imagine our main focus was to "equip" those who attended with our La Voz Alegre (The Happy Voice) App. The attendees were both Spanish and English speakers that have a love for the Lord. They want to share Jesus with their friends. Many scanned our QR code (see below) which took them directly to the App store. There they downloaded the App, which is full of audio and video content relevant to our challenging times.
Click on the picture and watch the video produced for Equip.
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These same programs found in the App are broadcast to our Spanish-speaking audiences throughout the world. A new series, Hope in Conflict, gives biblical answers to deal with the conflict we are feeling every day. The App also includes direct access to World Bible School, In-depth Bible courses by Larry White, several language versions of the Bible, and the Iron Rose Sister ministry for women.
It is our prayer that you will download this App into your phone and encourage all your friends to follow your example and begin sharing Jesus with Spanish-speaking people in your lives.
Click on or Scan this QR code to get the App
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These same programs found in the App are broadcast to our Spanish-speaking audiences throughout the world. A new series, Hope in Conflict, gives biblical answers to deal with the conflict we are feeling every day. The App also includes direct access to World Bible School, In-depth Bible courses by Larry White, several language versions of the Bible, and the Iron Rose Sister ministry for women.
It is our prayer that you will download this App into your phone and encourage all your friends to follow your example and begin sharing Jesus with Spanish-speaking people in your lives.
Click on or Scan this QR code to get the App
Posted in English
Posted in La Voz Alegre, CPI, Hay Esperanza, App, Audio, Video, World Christian Broadcasting
Posted in La Voz Alegre, CPI, Hay Esperanza, App, Audio, Video, World Christian Broadcasting
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