What's Going On? December 2022

Give The Gift That Keeps-on Giving!

There are seasonal gifts, birthday gifts, graduation gifts, wedding gifts, and eternal gifts.
This year give your Spanish-speaking friends an eternal gift, a pathway to understanding God’s gift of eternal life. This gift card leads souls to our La Voz Alegre App that contains thousands of messages leading souls to Jesus.

David Kail, of Springfield, Missouri decided to present this gift card to everyone who attended his congregation’s trunk or treat. He also sent an email to missionaries encouraging them to use this outreach tool. He describes his vision and results in the following two emails.

Initiative #1: Share the QR code at
Trunk of Treat Activity

Seems as though I underestimated the number of people who would attend our Trunk or Treat event on Saturday, Oct. 29th.   The official number of attendees was 1,988, including adults, children, and babies (plus two dogs). Many QR Code cards were handed out to the Hispanic families that attended.  Seed was scattered and we pray that some has fallen on fertile ground.
Thank you for creating this new tool and for granting us permission to share it.
Blessings, David Kail

Initiative # 2: Letter to missionaries, David encourages the use of the QR Code to evangelize Manta, Ecuador.

I send you greetings from Springfield, Missouri and hope you are doing well.
This past weekend I attended an Operation Ecuador Summit conference with Joshua Marcum and Rusty Campbell and learned about a new and exciting technology tool that can be used to spread the gospel in Hispanic communities. It is produced by a brother in Florida (Rex Morgan) and is free. I spoke with this brother this morning and he has given us permission to use this tool.
I am very excited about the possibilities of using this tool for opening doors in this new age of technology.  Of course, nothing replaces the Bible, but this electronic tool could open doors in ways that only God can imagine.
I imagine you are familiar with QR codes. They are a smartphone or iPad-readable code consisting of an array of black and white squares and is used for storing information for reading by the camera on a smartphone or iPad.  I have attached the QR code for this new tool and it will take you to the Hispanic site I am talking about.  
Open and download from the code and take a look to see if you think it would be a good idea to create a business sized card with the QR code on one side and your contact information on the other side.  Please take a look at the information and decide for yourselves if it would be something you could use to reach out to others in Manta. You could hand out cards everywhere you go and leave them in other places where there are lots of people.  
Let me know what you think about it once you have had time to evaluate it.
Thank you for your continuing work and for all you do, brothers.  
 David Kail
Feel free to copy and share the card with the QR code. Or, teach someone to download our App by clicking the QR code or go to our website and share the good news of Jesus!

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens,
 and I will give you rest."

Matthew 11:28

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