What's Going On? May/June

A Great Day at
World Christian Broadcasting

Now is the season for banquets and celebrations of this year's graduates. Recently, I was invited to honor what God has done through the media ministry of World Christian Broadcasting (WCB).

This banquet was important because it focused on God's mission to share the good news of Christ. People worldwide need the Gospel 'because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…’ (Romans 1:16).
I was honored to be the main speaker at the luncheon and dinner and to shine a light on God's Word, which WCB broadcasts daily from Alaska and Madagascar to 90% of the world, many of whom live in challenging places. WCB's vision of placing all its content on every platform possible, now and in the future, will reach souls through all their handheld devices and computers.
Rex Morgan
Rex, Having Fun!
Apps, websites, and social media platforms are additional ways to connect people with Christ's message. The Arabic language, for example, has started reaching the younger generations through social media. They made 1.5 million connections last year through Facebook alone.

The Chinese website is averaging 15,000 hits every day! They offer a live reading of the Bible on a 72-hour loop. It only takes three days to get through the whole Bible. They also offer an audio reading of the Bible on demand.  

The Spanish and Portuguese language apps are excellent examples of our commitment to diversify our Gospel outreach. The Spanish App and website feature a variety of spiritual radio content, including 137 Spanish language Bible teaching television programs. Recently added are the Gospel films. These films present scripture word for word, visually bringing the Gospel to life.

Newly added is The Covenant. The priest and scribe Ezra, shares the history of God's creation of the world through the life of Joseph. Please click below to watch the short introduction.

Working together in partnership with WCB for 15 years has both inspired and challenged me to be on the frontlines, working to bring the Gospel into the hearts and homes of our listeners every day. As technology continues to develop, we are faced with the question: How do we best utilize it to share Jesus with the world?

Your partnership and prayers make an eternal difference for many of our listening audience! Thank you!
Partnering with the Bible Media Group we are blessed to share this Old Testament video series with you through our App and Website.
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